When you book with VIP, we want you to be stress-free. Our packages are designed to give you the most for your money. Below are some of the perks and privileges that your group receives when booking through VIP. Check your selected package to see what is included. If there is something you are unsure about simply ask one of our coordinators.

Beads and Games
Pink party beads
Printable games/scavenger hunts
Personalized bachelorette scroll

Party Hosts
Most packages include a party host to check on your group throughout the night. Some packages include the party host to chaperone throughout the night.
Check your selected package for details.

All groups are given the opportunity to receive a free mini photo-shoot on select Saturdays March-October.

All groups that book with VIP are invited to attend a free pre-party on Saturday nights March-October. The pre-party is a great place to begin the night and includes complimentary gift bags, perks and shots.
Not Available 2019
Not Available 2019

Lyft Codes
Use code vipchicago for a free ride. download the app- if you are a first-time customer your ride is free up to $20

Half Off Boats
When you book with VIP, the Guest of honor and the person booking receives a gift card for 50% off boat rides to use at a later date

Discounted Customized Tanks
Need customized tanks? Fast delivery at greatly discounted prices. Click here to shop customized tanks and shirts

Video/Slideshow Shout Outs
Send us your photos that include the guest of honor and we will make a video/slideshow o share all over social media!